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Developing REST APIs with Node.js for IBM Bluemix

Course Code
VY102G 课程级别
Skill Level
中级 课程分类
WebSphere 面授课程编号
Course Code
英文 上机实验
Hands-on Labs
价格 (元)
¥ 500        时      长
课程描述/Course Description:
This course teaches developers how to create, test, and deploy APIs with Node.js for the IBM Bluemix cloud application platform. The Node.js runtime environment is a highly scalable server-side application platform. In this course, you learn how to develop REST APIs with Express, a popular web application framework for Node. You design callback functions to handle asynchronous network events. You also install and manage Node features with npm, the packaging manager for Node modules. You build, test, and deploy the lab exercises in your own workstation, and on your own IBM Bluemix account.
授课对象/Target Audience:
This course is designed for API developers who want to build REST APIs with the Node.js server runtime environment.
Working knowledge of JavaScript programming Familiarity with web application architecture and REST API concepts
课程目标/Skills Taught:
Install, validate, and test the Node runtime environment on your local workstation Install Node packages with npm Develop REST API operations with Express Develop callback functions to handle asynchronous events Perform static code analysis of the application with ESLint Run Mocha and Supertest unit tests on Node applications Debug Node applications with the Google Chrome browser with Node inspector Package Node applications Deploy Node applications to IBM Bluemix with the Cloud Foundry command-line utility (CF cli) Test Node applications on IBM Bluemix
主要课题/Course Outline:
Course introduction Introduction to Node.js Exercise: Installing, verifying, and developing a Node application Developing a REST API in Node Exercise: Developing a REST API with Node.js Static code analysis and unit testing Exercise: Static code analysis and unit testing Debugging and building Node applications Exercise: Debugging and building Node applications Deploying and testing Node applications on IBM Bluemix Exercise: Deploying a REST API on IBM Bluemix Course summary